ArticlePharyngeal Flaps versus Sphincter Pharyngeoplasty for Velopharyngeal Insufficiency in Cleft Palate Patients; Meta-Analysis.
ArticlePharyngeal Flaps versus Sphincter Pharyngeoplasty for Velopharyngeal Insufficiency in Cleft Palate Patients; Meta-Analysis.
ArticleBuccinator Myomucosal Flap and Levator Muscle Repositioning in Management of Velopharyngeal Insufficiency Secondary to Cleft Palate Repair
ArticleBuccinator Myomucosal Flap and Levator Muscle Repositioning in Management of Velopharyngeal Insufficiency Secondary to Cleft Palate Repair
ArticleAge-Related Analysis of Improvement Regression after Repair by Superiorly Pharyngeal Flap in Velopharyngeal Insufficiency Patients
ArticleAge-Related Analysis of Improvement Regression after Repair by Superiorly Pharyngeal Flap in Velopharyngeal Insufficiency Patients
ArticleUsing MRI and Nasopharyngeal Endoscopy for Assessment of Soft Palate Following Cleft Palate Surgical Repair Using Two Surgical Techniques
ArticleUsing MRI and Nasopharyngeal Endoscopy for Assessment of Soft Palate Following Cleft Palate Surgical Repair Using Two Surgical Techniques