Moulds are capable of reducing the nutritional value of feed stuff as well as elaborating several mycotoxins. Mycotoxin-contaminated feed has adverse effects on animal health and productivity. Also, mycotoxins may be carried over into meat and eggs when poultry are fed with contaminated feed. In a point prevalence study of feed stuff used for poultry nutrition in El Behaira were analyzed for fungal flora, natural incidence of Aflatoxin and Ochratoxin.
the mycological examination of 100 poultry feed samples revealed that Penicillium, Fusarium, Alternaria ,Aspergillus Flavus,Aspergillus Ochraceus ,Aspergillus Candidus,Aspergillus Niger, and Mucor were the dominant mould groups with a percentages 40, 23, 36, 30, 33, 8, 40, 30 % respectively.
Samples were examined for the detection of total aflatoxin (TA) and ochratoxin A (OTA). Overall incidence of TA was recorded as 80% (n=80/100). The OTA was detected in 83% (n=83/1oo). However the co-occurance of TA and OTA was 63% (n=63/100).
(2/80) samples (2.5%) contain TA above the permissible limit (20ppb) while OTA was (34/83) samples (41%) at a rate of (6-10) ppb and (3) samples (3.6%) above (10ppb) above the acceptable limit. all samples collected in summer were contained aflatoxin and ochratoxin (100%), and aflatoxin was at low level below the permissible limit while ochratoxin at high level 30 samples above 5 ppb.
On the other hand, in winter season comparatively lower incidence and levels of aflatoxins than that detected in summer season in which 30/50 samples (60%) were contained aflatoxin at low level while 33/50 samples (66%) contained ochratoxin with 5 samples at high level above the permissible limit.
This study indicates the need for continuous assessment of the mycological and mycotoxins status of poultry feed, in order to feed poultry for optimal performance ensuring food safety and to ensure safe poultry for human consumption.