Mycotoxins existence in rabbit fodder has toxic effects on animal health. Mycotoxin binders are feed supplements adsorb mycotoxins in the intestine to prevent oral mycotoxins from being absorbed. Concerns about an unspecified association with oral veterinary drugs were raised in 2010 by the European Food Safety Authority. This study evaluated the effect of dietary supplementation of esterified glucomannan yeast extract (0.1% for 15 days) as a mycotoxin binder (EGM) on doxycycline (DOX) bioavailability and residues in different rabbits tissues after oral administration at a dosage of 6 mg kg-1 b.wt; single dose for oral bioavailability study and for 15 successive days for evaluation tissue residue of doxycycline. Pharmacokinetic investigation of DOX in group received DOX alone shows that AUC0−inf, Tmax and Cmax are diminished significantly when EGM is used with DOX as a feed additive. The 67% decline in AUC0−24 in the group fed EGM results in a significant decrease in oral bioavailability. This reflects its presence in different tissues, as the EGM binder significantly reduced the levels of doxycycline in different rabbit's tissues. On the basis of the obtained results of pharmacokinetic and tissue residue studies, it can be concluded that EGM mycotoxin binder can virtually reduce the DOX absorption after oral administration in rabbits, and this is may be owed to the adsorption of the EGM additive to doxycycline. Consequently, when doxycycline is administered orally to rabbits that are also actually nourished an EGM fodder additive; the potential interaction must be taken into consideration carefully.