The aim of this study is to assess zinc nutritional status for preschool children. A sample of 50 pre-scholars age 4 -6 years from tow different types of kindergarten from Cairo. The interview method was used for data collection from the mothers and recorded using a diet history sheet as well as 24 hour recall for three following days to obtain detailed information on food and beverages consumed. The daily data were analyzed using the food composition tables to estimate the nutrients and zinc content of the daily diet, and compare with the recommended dietary allowance (RDA). Demographic data was collected. The anthropometric measurements of children were assist as described by the height (Ht), weight (Wt), triceps skin fold (TSF) and arm circumference (AC) measurements were compared to the 50th percentile. Laboratory analysis for hair and nails samples to determinate zinc content .Statistical analysis were processed by IBM-PC computer using SPSS soft ware program 2000 . The results showed decrease in zinc intake among the high percentage in the sample (96%) . Nutritional assessment indicated that adequacy of zinc intake was related to adequacy of some nutrients as animal and plant protein, animal iron, vitaminB2 and niacin. There were no significant differences between age group, school type ,zinc level in nails and hair and daily zinc intake .There were a significant differences between daily zinc intake and education level of mothers, weight / height, and height / age indicating the importance of zinc on their growth development .