Background: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) considered a serious condition that cause a weakness of body's immune system, leaving it unable to fight off illness AIDS is the last in a progression of diseases resulting from a viral infection known as the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Aim of the study: Was to assess self-care management for patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Research design: Descriptive research design was used to conduct this study. Setting: This study was conducted at AIDS Out Patient Clinics at Benha Fever Hospital in Benha city. Sample: Simple random sample of 150 patients with AIDS from previously setting Tools:, Structured interviewing questionnaire was used to collect data and divided in to four parts. Part I: Assessment socio-demographic characteristics of the studied patients. Part II: Assessment medical history of the studied AIDS patients Part III (A): concerned with patients' knowledge regarding AIDS. (B): concerned with knowledge of patients with AIDS toward self-care management Part IV: Self-care reported practices for patients with AIDS contains (Physical, Psychological and Social status). Results: 35.3% of the studied patients Age their ranged from25<35 years .67.3% of them were male.43.3% of studied patients had poor total knowledge score regarding AIDS and self-care management. 64.7% of the studied patients had unsatisfactory level of total self care practices. Conclusion: There was a highly statistically significant relation between total level of knowledge for the studied patients and their socio-demographic characteristics regarding job and income. There was a highly statistically significant relation between total level of self care practices for the studied patients and their socio-demographic characteristics regarding sex and income (P≤ 0.001). Recommendations: Health education for all patients with AIDS to raise their knowledge and improve their Self- Care practices toward AIDS. Replication of this study on large sample size in different setting.
Key words: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, human immunodeficiency virus, Self Care
Last Name
Nagah Abd- Elrazek
B.Sc. Nursing, 2006, Faculty of Nursing - Benha University, Egypt
-Last Name
Fathy Mohy Eldeen
Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing - Benha University, Egypt
-Last Name
Gamal El- Dein Ibrahim
Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing - Benha University, Egypt
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Scientific peer reviewed journal
Publication Title
Journal of Nursing Science Benha University
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Self-Care Management Practices for Patients with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome