Background: Decision making is an important factor in educating nurses so that they develop < br />good problemāsolving skills. Decisions are the core transactions of organizations and are the most
important vehicle in which organizations distance themselves from one another. Aim of study: Was
to assess effect of educational program about decision making on nurses' performance in Benha
University hospitals. Study design: Quasi-experimental design was used to conduct this study.
Setting: this study was conducted at Units and departments at Benha University. Subjects:
Included 77 head nurses and 296 staff nurses. Tools for data collection: Self-administrative
decision making knowledge questionnaire (pre, post and follow-up after three months of conducting
the educational program), performance observational check list (pre, post, and follow up). Results:
The majority of studied head (80.5%) had satisfactory level of knowledge regarding decision
making during post-program and majority of staff nurses (70.9%) had satisfactory level of
knowledge regarding decision making during post-program, while (83.1%) of studied head nurses
and (87.2) of studied staff nurses had good level of performance regarding decision making through
post-program. Conclusion: The educational program was effective in improving head nurses and
staff nurses level of knowledge and performance related to decision making and also increasing
improvement related to decision making. There was an improvement in the level of knowledge of
and performance of head nurses and staff nurses after introducing an educational program about
decision making thorough post program and follow up phases compared with preprogram phase
post-program and follow up phases compared with preprogram phase, also there was a positive
statistical significant correlation between total knowledge score and total performance of head
nurses and staff nurses through program phases, moreover there was a positive with no statistical
significant correlation between total head nurses and staff nurses knowledge thorough the program
phases. Recommendation: Conducting a regular workshop for Head nurses about decision making
as needed.