Background: Breast cancer is a group of diseases in which cells in breast tissue change and
divide uncontrolled, typically resulting in a lump or mass. Most breast cancers begin in the lobules
(milk glands) or in the ducts that connect the lobules to the nipple. Aim of study: Was to assess
health belief model among post- menopausal women regarding breast cancer. Research design: A
descriptive research design was utilized to conduct this study. Setting: The study was conducted at
Early Detection Unit for Tumors, Pathology Department affiliated to Benha University Hospital.
Sample: Simple random sample of 25% woman of all women attended to previously mentioned
setting which includes 150 women from 600 women. Tools of data collection: Two main tools
were used. Tool I: A structured interviewing questionnaire which included 3 parts a) sociodemographic characteristics of women, b) Obstetric and family history of the women, c)
Knowledge of women regarding health belief model, breast cancer and breast self-examination.
Tool II: Champion's Health Belief Model Constructs scale that adopted to assess the studied
women's behaviors regarding breast cancer and breast self-examination Results: 24% of women
had average total knowledge level. On the other hand, 59.3% of them got their information from
social media. Regarding health belief model, 43.3% of women had low perception about health
belief model, while only 20.7% of them had good perception about health belief model.
Conclusion: There were statistically significant relations between total knowledge of the studied
women and their educational level. Also, there was highly statistically significant relation between
the studied women's total knowledge and age. And there were no statistically significant relations
between women's knowledge and marital status, income, residence and occupation.
Recommendation: Educational programs should be conducted to improve perception about health
belief model.