Wind energy application is advisable in the local condition of Shamakhi region because of the enough stock. The major wind type is the mountain-valley one for the territory. In the study the latest modern methods were applied to determine the wind energy potential for the region. On the base of the remote sensing method the average annual data on the potential were realized at 2 m. The final materials have been worked for making several dependences for ecological estimation. Dynamics of the total average annual wind energy potential data were defined based on long term remote sensing measurements. At the same time percentage wind directions was revealed depending on the months of a year. The measurement results have been given graphically in the paper. Due to the stochastic character of the wind data interval diapason within the last year (in 2021) were compared with former ones and the advantages were given. The measurement result at 2 m the data have been compared with ones obtained at 10 m for January and was appreciated. Wind potential deference between mountainous territories depending on the height from the sea level was identified and view point height for remote sensing process has been decided. As the first experimental settlement Zarat Kheybar was selected because the location and relief possibilities where the deforestation is higher. On the real forecasting materials (in Map 1. in December 2021 within 5 days) the cold period wind potential of the year was defined for the mentioned village. On the Google Earth based map whole the deforestation sites around the settlement were given in the orographic map in the paper (Map 2).
wind, clean energy, remote-sensing, ecological effectiveness
M.Arif 5
S. Vurgun 6
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Publication Title
Aswan University Journal of Environmental Studies
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Remote Sensing Based Study on Wind Energy’s Ecological Effectiveness in Shamakhi District (Azerbaijan)