A hydraulic jump is a well-known transitional
phenomenon from supercritical to subcritical flows with
undulations of water-surface. In this transition, the water flow
has a high-velocity, water surface rises abruptly, surface rollers
are formed, intense mixing occurs, the air is entrained, and a
large amount of energy is dissipated. In the present study
characteristics of the hydraulic jumps in circular open channels
with a mild sloped have been discussed under a wide range of
experimental conditions. The study aims to determine the effect
of the channel's mild slope on the characteristics of the
hydraulic jumps with circular channels. A theoretical study has
been done and led to obtaining equations that can be used to get
specific force for the hydraulic jump that occurred in circular
open channels. A theoretical study is based on using
momentum, and Froude's number equations. An experimental
study has been investigated using Laboratory 40 experimental
runs in circular section flume for eight different discharges
ranged from 3.92 to 12.07 l/sec were given with mild slope
equals 0.000833. In total, the experiments were conducted over
a range of Froude numbers from 1.78 to 8.87. The experimental
works concluded some dimensionless curves and new useful
formulas to get the length of the jump, energy dissipated and
efficiency. The conjugated depth ratio is determined and plotted
versus the upstream Froude number, downstream Froude
number, head loss, and efficiency for different values of critical
depths. The resulting graphs and equations of the present study
are readily applicable for a design for the hydraulic jumps in
the circular open channels with mild slope.