I am glad to celebrate with you the first birthday of the Pan Arab Journal of Neurosurgery (PAJN), our first issue was published in June 2021. We have now the pleasure to publish the June 2022 issue, with double the number of articles published in the 2021 issues. In the current issue there is diversity of topics and submissions from many countries in other continents, not only the Arab world. With an evident increase in the number of submissions to our journal, we have a better opportunity to be more selective in accepting new submissions for publication.
The PAJN is an open-access journal; all published articles can be freely downloaded, because our aim is to enhance the advancement of science and medical education. The fully open access platform has expanded the availability of the journal's articles. In the last six months, the overall number of viewed and downloaded articles has tripled, reaching more than 1500 views and downloads. This is in line with our aim to engage the young generations of neurosurgeons and effectively promote authors' work. The PAJN is promoted to bring neurosurgeons the best information and research in a clinically useful format, in order to improve health care delivery to patients in the Arab countries and all over the world.