تمثل الموسيقى عنصراً مهماً من عناصر الشعر ، لا يکتمل حده إلا به ، ولا يستوى رسمه إلا بجمالياته ، لذا اتفق أکثر القدماء على أن " الشعر يقوم بعد النية من أربعة أشياء ، وهى : اللفظ ، والوزن ، والمعنى ، والقافية ، فهذا هو حد الشعر ؛ لأن من الکلام موزوناً مقفى وليس بشعر ، لعدم القصد والنية ، کأشياء اتزنت من القرآن ، ومن کلام النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم ، وغير ذلک مما لم يطلق عليه أنه شعر.Music represents an important element of poetry, its definition is not complete without it, and its drawing is not equal except with its aesthetics, so most of the ancients agreed that “Poetry is based on the intention of four things, namely: pronunciation, meter, meaning, and rhyme. This is the limit of poetry; Because some speech is measured in rhyme and not in poetry, for lack of intent and intention, as things are balanced from the Qur'an, and from the words of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and other things that are not called poetry.