If the revelation of ancient mysticism is not of divine origin but rather of the power of the prophet's mind's response to the flood flowing over his mind, the power of his expression and the serenity of his imagination, the modernist mind is not different in that perception, but increases it in the mystic drowning; The revelation in the perception of modernist mysticism is not the information of God to his prophet by Gabriel, nor is it something transcendent about reality; It is about what the Prophet feels of transcendent and what his imagination is flowing and intertwined with his social and psychological state, The revelation of the prophet – in the perception of neo-mysticism – is not in fact different from what happens to the priest and the eloquent poet; In fact, prophets share with priests, sensitive artists and great poets the ability to use the efficacy of the imagination in vigilance and sleep. This mystical outlook has had many repercussions, Most notably, the Koran is no longer the words of God, which are revealed to his prophet, but rather the words of the Prophet, with which he expressed the psychological feeling that attacked his mind and moved his vast imagination to bring out what we call the "Holy Quran," Which, therefore, is no different from human speaking at its source.