علم البيانات Data Science، والبيانات الضخمة Big Data
Over the last five years, big data and predictive analytics technologies have created new opportunities for companies to advance their decision-making that the ability of making fact based decisions depending on the ability to discover more meaningful data. Data-driven decision making exists at the intersection of data quality and decision quality, where quality data supports quality business decisions. Data-driven decision making is about: Collecting appropriate data, Analyzing that data in a meaningful fashion, Getting the data into the hands of the people who need it, Using the data to increase efficiencies and Communicating data-driven decisions to key stakeholders. Predictive analytics connects data to effective action by drawing reliable conclusions about current conditions and future events. Predictive analytics delivers value to an organization when used to improve decision making. There are three public companies specialized in the public transportation of passengers between regions in Egypt:
1. East Delta for Transportation and Tourism Company.
2. Upper Egypt Transportation and Tourism Company.
3. West and Middle Delta Transport and Tourism Company.
These companies are affiliated to The Holding Company for Maritime and Land Transport which is one of the public enterprise sector companies. These three companies are pioneer in the field of local and international services of transportation and tourism with advantageous levels of services. They aim at maximizing their revenues and improving their competitive advantages.In this paper we will give an overview to the process of data driven decision making and propose a conceptual framework aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the DDDM process in the field of public transportation of passengers between regions in Egypt.
data-driven decision making (DDDM), Big Data, Predictive analytics, decision-driven data management
Sadat Academy for Management Sciences
Ph.D. Candidate
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• البحوث والدراسات والمقالات المستوفاة للقواعد العلمیة المتعارف علیها، والتى یجریها أو یشارک فى إجرائها أعضاء هیئة التدریس والباحثون فى الجامعات ومراکز البحوث المصریة والعربیة، وذلک باللغتین العربیة والإنجلیزیة .
Publication Title
مجلة الجمعية المصرية لنظم المعلومات و تکنولوجيا الحاسبات
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Building a Proposed Conceptual Framework for DDDM in Egyptian Transportation Companies