تکنولوجيا التعليم هي عملية متکاملة تقوم على تطبيق هيکل من العلوم والمعرفة عن التعلم الإنساني واستخدام مصادر تعلم بشرية وغير بشرية تؤکد نشاط المتعلم وفرديته بمنهجية أسلوب المنظومات لتحقيق الأهداف التعليمية والتوصل لتعلم أکثر فعالية.
ويعد التعليم، بوابة لمجتمع المعرفة، وهو أحد رکائزه الهامة وأحد جوانبه المشرقة، ويوفر التعليم أفضل الوسائط لکسر القيود التي کانت تعيق أو تصعب الاطلاع على المنجزات العلمية والمعلومات التکنولوجية الحديثة.
وتعد الظواهر الآتية، هي التي حولت التکنولوجيا إلى قوى تقود تغييرا عميقا في مجال التعليم:
الوسائط المتعددة
التکنولوجيا النقالة
ثورة الاتصالات
ولقد تأثرت ثورة المعلومات، وثقافتها التي أصبحت الميزة الرئيسية للقرن الحادي والعشرين، وتداخلت مع ثورة تکنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصال الحديثة، مما أدى إلى انفجار معلوماتي کبير بحيث أصبح من العسير على الإنسان استيعاب کل المعلومات المتوافرة، ودراستها واستغلالها کما ينبغي.[1]
وأضحت المعلومات قاسما مشترکا يسهم في نمو المجتمع المعرفي ويخدم أهدافه، إلى جانب تفاعله من خلال تکنولوجيا المعلومات، وأنظمته التي تمثل کل العتاد والبرامج المستخدمة في أنظمة المعلومات.[2]
فمجتمع المعرفة هو ذلک المجتمع الذي يحسن استعمال المعرفة في تسيير أموره وفي اتخاذ القرارات السليمة، کما أنه ذلک المجتمع الذي ينتج المعلومة لمعرفة خلفيات وأبعاد الأمور بمختلف أنواعها.[3]
حيث تجد حکومات الدول المتقدمة والهيئات الدولية الاقتصادية على حد سواء، قيمة هائلة في صياغة الاستراتيجيات والأطر اللازمة للاقتصاد الناشئ المبني على المعرفة، وهو اقتصاد أصبحت فيه القدرات المعرفية والإبداعية هي التي تحدد باطراد فروق الثروة والدخل.[4]
الکلمات المفتاحية: تکنولوجيا التعليم؛ أدوات تکنولوجيا التعليم؛ التعليم الابتدائي؛ دولة الکويت.
Education Technology is an integrated process based on the application of the structure of science and knowledge about human learning and the use of learning resources human and non-human learner activity and emphasizes individuality methodology systems approach to achieving educational goals and come to learn more effectively.
Education is a gateway to the knowledge society, which is one of the important pillars and a bright aspect, and provide better education to break the media restrictions that were hindering or difficult to see the achievements of scientific and technological information modern.
The following phenomena, is transformed by technology to the forces driving profound change in the field of education:
Mobile technology
The communications revolution
Study Problem
Undoubtedly the keenness of the Ministry of Education in Kuwait on the acquisition of the latest applications of educational technology, does not mean anything in and of itself as long as not available for these schools the ability to understand and accommodate these applications, and the ability to use it to develop and improve their performance, and provide services for students as it full needs and achieve customer satisfaction.
Hence the researcher noted that despite the interest of the State of Kuwait to develop and apply technology education in schools and the Ministry of Education with regard to all educational levels, especially with regard to in primary education but research on this matter a few clearly.
Hence, the problem can be summarized research for this study in the following question:
- To what extent have education technology applications to improve corporate performance and the development of educational technology applications and this relates to the extent of offering educational attainment of students at the primary level?.
Objectives of the study
Designed research study to understand the relationship between the use of technology applications of education in primary schools, and increased educational attainment, which is reflected on the prosperity of the community knowledge and information to students of primary education, and its impact on the prosperity and promote the knowledge society of the beneficiaries, through a review of the components of these tools and analyze their performance, and determine the effectiveness from the reality of the views of a stratified random sample of them.
The study Questions.
The study also seeks to answer the following research questions:
- What is educational technology hubs?
- Is there a link between the use of technology primary school education in the State of Kuwait and the prosperity of educational attainment among the student community?
- What is the education technology tools used in primary schools in Kuwait?
Study hypotheses
Researcher assumes the beginning of his presentation to this research study to the Ministry of Education represented in the management of primary education, it has committed itself to the use of advanced technology education in primary schools affiliated effectively
Research methodology used in the study
Rely on search field study approach, which allows him to get accurate data to the subject of the study center of research, which helps a researcher at the dissemination of the results of its study on the corresponding primary schools in the state.
Questionnaire was presented to a smaller sample of the beneficiaries in the community primary school education in the metropolitan area in Kuwait.
Keywords: Educational technology; Primary education; Kuwait