Premenstrual syndrome is considered as one of the most common gynecological diseases and is also one of the most common disorders at fertility ages. PURPOSE of this study was to evaluate effect of self-feet reflexology on relieving premenstrual syndrome. DESIGN: A quasi-experimental study (pre-test and post-test). SETTING: The study was conducted at faculty of nursing at Benha University.SAMPLE, systematic random sample of female students in first year who have premenstrual syndrome and fulfill the inclusion criteria will be included in the study. INSTRUMENTS: self-administrated questionnaire and Menstrual Distress Questionnaire. RESULTS: The present study showed that, illustrates that there was a highly statistical significant difference among (pain, concentration, behavioral and negative affect) related symptoms at different phases of intervention. Increasingly, there was more decrease in mean score regarding pain related symptoms at Follow up phase than Post-test phase. CONCLUSION: there was a highly statistical significant difference among studied students regarding PMS related symptoms (pain, GIT, autonomic reactions, general manifestations, concentration, behavioral change and negative affect) at different phases of intervention (pre-test, immediately post-test and follow up). RECOMMENDEDATIONS: Encourage academic students to practice reflexology to reduce premenstrual syndrome.