Nursing is an emotionally charged profession. The competence to manage emotions and interpersonal conflict effectively is essential for nurse managers. So, nurse managers need advanced skills to solve conflicts. The purpose of this study was to assess emotional intelligence role among nurse managers and its relation to conflict management resolution. The design of this study was a descriptive correlational research design. A simple random sample of 30 nursing managers and 281 staff nurses were selected to carry out this study. This study was conducted at Menoufia University Hospital at Shebin El – Kom Menoufia Governorate. Three Instruments were used for data gathering: Job conflict questionnaire, Rahim organizational conflict questionnaire and emotional intelligence questionnaire. The results of this study indicated that the main findings of this study revealed that the most common causes of conflict were related to scarcity of resources and over work load. The most common conflict management strategies that the nurse managers use were collaborating (14.3±1.9) and compromising strategy (16.5±3.7). Moreover, the total level of nurse managers' emotional intelligence was high as reported by their staff nurses. Also, there was a positive correlation between nurse mangers emotional intelligence role and their conflict management resolution. Conclusion; this study concluded that there was a positive correlation between nurse mangers emotional intelligence role and their conflict management strategies. This means that when the level of nurse mangers emotional intelligence was high their level of conflict management was high. Recommendation; Future researches are recommended to replicate the study on a larger sample size in different health care setting.