Background: Social media has become one of the most popular sources of
information for pregnant women. Prenatal care is an efficient intervention in the
improvement of pregnancy outcomes. Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of social
media on labour outcome and women satisfaction.Study design:A quasi-experimental
research design wasutilized. Setting: Thestudywascarriedout inAntenatal Clinic at
Mansoura New General Hospital, Mansoura city, Dakahlia governorate, Egypt.Sample
type:A purposive samplewas utilized.Study subjects: The study subjects included 50
pregnant women whowereattending predetermined setting according to inclusion criteria.
Tools:Four tools were used, a structure interview questionnaire, questions to assess labor
outcomes,Apgar score, Satisfaction likert scale.Results:The results of the present study
highlighted thatthere was a statistical significant differences among the studied women
between previous and in favor of the current pregnancy regardingmode of delivery,
occurrence of laceration, perineal tears, also increase the rate of vaginal delivery and
decrease the rate of cs among current study. The results proved that decrease the rate of
problems happened during labor in current labor than in previous labor, also, three
quarters of the studied women strongly agree that the social media was easy method for
communication, fast reach for information need, available at any time, attractive method of
learning experiences, safe time, effort and money, positive effect on labor outcome.
Conclusion: The use of social media as an educational method during pregnancy give an
actual chance for helping women learn how tocopeeffectively with pregnancy journey and
childbirth process. Recommendations:Integrate social media educational program in
nursing protocol for pregnant women. Also, developing and implementing a mobile webbased
pregnancy health care educational program for mothers.