Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus and it is the most common major gynecological surgical procedure worldwide and have significant impact on women's quality of life and coping pattern. Aim of the present study was to evaluate the coping style for women's undergoing hysterectomy. Research design: A descriptive design was used to achieve the aim of the study. Sample size: It consisted of 100 women with hysterectomy. Setting: It was conducted in the gynecological department at Benha University Hospital. Tools: Three tools were used to collect data, 1) Structured interviewing schedule to assess women's condition, 2) An assessment sheet for women knowledge regarding hysterectomy, and 3) Jalowiec coping scale. Results: It showed that, the majority (88.0%) of studied subjects had incorrect knowledge about hysterectomy. It also revealed that, the high use of coping styles was highest for supportive as 55.0%. The moderate use of coping styles was highest for optimistic, self-reliant, evasive, and fatalistic styles as 71.0%, 64%, 57% and 50% respectively. The low use of coping styles was highest for emotive, confirmative and palliative styles as 95%, 64% and 58% respectively. there were no statistically significant relation between women's knowledge and fatalistic, evasive and supportive coping styles, while there were a statistical significant relation between women's knowledge and optimistic coping and emotive coping styles. there were highly a statistical significant relations between women's knowledge and palliative, confirmative and self-reliant coping styles. Conclusion hysterectomy has more effect on women's coping pattern Recommendations: An educational program should be conducted to improve knowledge and coping pattern for women's with hysterectomy