Increasing the prevalence of DM has emergence of diabetes complications as a cause of
early morbidity and mortality. The aim of present study was to assess the insulin injection
complications among patients with T1DM, and suggest the nursing intervention guidelines
for patients with T1DM. Research design used was descriptive exploratory study. A
purposive sample included 100 patients diagnosed with T1DM from both genders. The
study was carried out in outpatient clinics at Benha university hospital. Two tools were
used to collect data;1) Interview questionnaire sheet; it consisted of three parts A)Patients'
demographic data , B)Patients' medical history, C) Patients' lifestyle assessment sheet, 2)
Patients' assessment sheet; it consisted of two parts A) Assessment of patients' level of
knowledge, B) Assessment of insulin injection complications. The study results revealed that more than two third of the studied patients (68%) had mild insulin injection complications and nearly one third (32%) had moderate insulin injection complications, most of patients (75%) had unsatisfied level of knowledge about the disease, complications, and management, and more than half of patients (59%)had unhealthy lifestyle pattern. It can be concluded that there was a statistical significant difference between patients' total systematic insulin injection complications in relation to their personal data including age, residency, and level of educations, also there was a statistical significant difference between patients' total systematic insulin injection complications in relation to onset of insulin injection treatment (p < 0.05).The studied patients' total local and systematic insulin injection complications correlated negatively with their total lifestyle pattern and total level of knowledge with statistical insignificant differences (P> 0.05).The study recommended application of guiding educational and cultural programs for patients with DM to improve their knowledge about treatment regimen, correct insulin injection technique, complications, and it preventive and curative management.