Background arc] aim. We aim to eeteririhe the role cf MSG compared with high caloric chow (HCC) in development of cbosilypregnant rats and thei- offspring.
Materials and Methods. Ninety pregnant rals were divided into 3 groups control MSG and HCC fed. We 'Jetfirrnined body weight (BW), boly fat, fat to body weight ratio, serum g', insu'in, leptin, Lpid profile, ob and lept'n receptor-b gene expressions in pregnant rats and ob and l&ptin recepto;-b gene expressions, serum ins'jlin, glucose, leptin, triacyl-glycerides, total lipids and body weight in offspring.
Results- Daily food intake and BW
deceased wh;!e body fat and fat body weight ratio increased in MSG relative to HCC ted rais. MSG or HCC increased Ob gene expression, ioptin, insulin, LDL, VLDL. cholesterol, 'otal lipids (TL), glucose and decreased ieptm receptor-b gene expression. In orfsoring of MSG treated rats. BW, serum glucose, insulin, itp-lin, triacylgiyc'c-rlops. TL and Ob gene expression increased and leptin receptor-b gene expression decreased whereas in offspring of HCC fed rats, serum insulin, iepun, Ob and Ieptm re-cepior-b gene expression increased but no significant increase in serum glucose, triacylglycerides, TL or BW.