Purpose :- Anal stenosis is a rare .incapacitating, and challenging condition, occurring mainly after hemor-rhoidectomy, for which several surgical techniques have been devised this comparative randomized study was carried out for patients with severe anal stenosis to evaluate the complication rate, recurrence of anal stenosis and long term outcome after Y-V and diamond pedicle flap ano-plasty.
In this study we reported 20 patients with severe postsurgical anal stenosis, 10 of them Underwent Y-V anoplasty while the other 10 had a diamond pedicle flap anoplasty .
Sixteen of 20 patients underwent unilateral anoplasty and the remain-
ing 4 patients underwent bilateral anoplasty . A Partial lateral internal sphincterotomy was performed in 16 patients who had a fibrotic muscular component contributing to stenosis All patients were seen every week until complete wound healing was achieved , then every 2 months for 6 months then every year after surgery with a mean follow up 28.6 ± 4.56.
Early postoperative complications was moderate pruritis in one patient (10 %) who underwent diamond flap anoplasty, while temporary incontinence to gas and liquid stool in 20% , moderate pruritis in 10%, suture de-hiscence in 10% and ischaemic con-tracture of the leading edge of the flap in 20% of cases who underwent Y-V anoplasty.