Eleven cases of medullarly thyroid carcinomas (MTC) were evaluated in relation to the pattern, immunohisto-chemistry and electron microscopy. Six cases were classified as classical MTC with histochemical evidence of amyloid and 5 cases were atypical without histochemical evidence of amyloid . Immunostaining for thyrocalcit-onin was positive in 4 out of 6 classical and 2 out of 5 atypical MTC cases. The neurosecretory granules were found in both the typical and the atypical MTC cases. The ultrastructu-ral examination is essential in the diagnosis of MTC particularly where the histological and immunohistochemical evaluation is inconlusive. ABSTRACT
Eleven cases of medullarly thyroid
carcinomas (MTC) were evaluated in relation to the pattern, immunohisto-chemistry and electron microscopy. Six cases were classified as classical MTC with histochemical evidence of amyloid and 5 cases were atypical without histochemical evidence of amyloid . Immunostaining for thyrocalcit-onin was positive in 4 out of 6 classical and 2 out of 5 atypical MTC cases. The neurosecretory granules were found in both the typical and the atypical MTC cases. The ultrastructu-ral examination is essential in the diagnosis of MTC particularly where the histological and immunohistochemical evaluation is inconlusive.