gonadotropins and testosterone. These hormones exert an indirect effect on spermatogenetic cells by locally produced autocrine, para-crine and juxtacrine regulations of tes-ticular functions. They mediate interactions between Leydig cells, peritubular myoid cells, Sertoli cells and spermatogenetic cells as a pre requisite of maintenance and control of Spermatogenesis. The physiological role of these factors in the testis and their regulatory function remain to be studied in detail (Glander et al., 1996).
One of the molecules that are believed to be involved in the development of germ cells are insulin like gro- •
wth factor-l (IGF-I) (Spiteri Greech &Nieschlage, 1992; Loir &Le Gac, 1994), which is found in plasma and tissue fluids. Probably, the tissue IGF-I from paracrine / autocrine sources is more important than those from circulation (Lin, 1995).
IGF-I exerts a direct as well as an indirect influence on steriodogenesis (Lin et al., 1986; Saez et al., 1989). metabolism (Oonk et a!., 1989), cell proliferation and differentiation (Borland et al., 1984; Soder et al., 1992) and is modified in its action by growth hormone (Lin, 1995). Testicu-lar IGF-I is mainly produced in Sertoli cells (Ritzen, 1983) by stimulation of follicle stimulating hormone (Cailleau etal.,1990).