Background :
Optimism and pessimism affect physicians' behavior and play important
roles in shaping the future characteristics of a medical student. We carried
out the study to measure optimism and pessimism scores among medical
students and its association with important correlates i.e. duration of study
in medical college, gender and intended future specialty.
Participants and Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Gujranwala
Medical College, Pakistan. Using non-probability consecutive sampling,
the data was anonymously collected from consenting 150 students
from all classes (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & final year). Optimism/pessimism score
was measured using Life Orientation Test – Revised (LOT-R). LOT-R is a
valid tool containing ten items to be rated on a scale from zero to four
(strongly agree to strongly disagree). Threeitems are related to optimism,
three with pessimism and four are fillers only. Score in one domain can
range from zero to twelve. Higher score indicates higher value. We measured
association of optimism/pessimism scores with gender, specialty preference,
class year and living status.
The mean (±SD) optimism and pessimism scores were 8.16±2.4
and 5.35 ± 1.95 respectively while median scores (Q1-Q3) were 9 (7-10)
and 5 (4-7). Mean age of study population was 21.6 ± 1.7 years. Majority of
the responders (n, %) were females (116,77.3%), from fourth year class
(45, 30%) and living alone away from family (107, 71.3%). Among 150 responders,
99 students (66%) were planning to opt a people oriented specialty
in future. Optimism score was significantly lower among male compared
to female students (p=0.019). Pessimism scores were higher among
students living with their family (p=0.008). Specialty preference and year of
study has shown no effect on either score. (p > 0.05)
The result showed that our medical students are optimistic.
Pessimism was affected by current living status. Female students were
found more optimistic compared to their male counterparts.