ظهر في الآونة الأخيرة على الساحة، وفي القنوات الفضائية العديد ممن تصدى للفتوى، كل بقوله وحسب اجتهاده، فتعددت الأقوال في المسألة الواحدة مما كان له الأثر في زعزعة الأمن الفكري والمجتمعي وتشتيت كثير من العوام، ومعلوم أنه قد يتصدى للفتوي من هو أهل لها، ومن ليس بذلك، وهنا يكون الإنسان في حيرة من أمره، ممن يأخذ فتواه؟ وما هي الشروط الواجب توافرها في المجتهد؟ وإذا توافرت هذه الشروط فبأي الأقوال يأخذ أو يعمل؟ وأيها الصواب؟ وما الحكم إذا عمل بقول أحدهم وترك قول الآخر؟ كل ذلك قد يؤدي إلى عدم استقراره نفسيا وزعزعته، فإن الإنسان إذا شعر من نفسه أنه ممتثلا لأوامر الله مجتنبا لنواهيه اطمأنت نفسه وأمن فكره0 وقد قمت ببحث هذه النقاط محاولة الوقوف على أرجح الاقوال وكان موضوع البحث (تعدد الاجتهاد وأثره في الأمن الفكري والمجتمعي).
ومن أهم نتائج البحث: الاجتهاد المعتبر: هو ما كان صادرا ممن هو أهل للاجتهاد وبشرطه وفي محله فاختلافهم هذا مشروع وعدم اعتماده يعتبر مخالف لما عليه السلف والصحابة وهو نوع من الغلو في الدين وتضيق المتسع كما أنه يعتبر هدم للدين والفقه ويؤدي إلى فساد المجتمع.
Recently, many of those who confronted the fatwa have appeared on the scene, each by saying it and according to his jurisprudence, so there have been many statements on the same issue, which has had the effect of destabilizing intellectual and societal security and distracting many publics, and it is known that he may confront the fatwa who is entitled to it, and who is not, and here the human being is at a loss, from who takes his fatwa? What are the conditions that must the mujtahid have? If these conditions are met, which words does he take or do? And which one is right? And what is the verdict if he acts by saying one of them and leaving the words of the other? All this may lead to psychological instability and destabilization, if a person feels from himself that he is in compliance with God's commands avoiding his prohibitions, he has reassured himself and the security of his thought, and I have researched these points to try to identify the most likely sayings and the subject of research was (the multiplicity of ijtihad and its impact on intellectual and societal security), and the most important results of the research:
Appreciated ijtihad: It is what was issued by those who are qualified for ijtihad and on its condition and in its place, their difference is legitimate and the lack of adoption of it is considered contrary to what the predecessors and companions are, which is a kind of exaggeration in religion and narrowing of the space, as it is considered a demolition of religion and jurisprudence and leads to corruption of society.