تناولت هذه الدراسة الحديثة عن کتاب "الأدب المفرد" للإمام البخاري الذي يعد من خيرة ما دون في الآداب الدينية الفاضلة ، والأخلاق الإسلامية العالية ،والتي لا غنى للمسلم عنها مثل : بر الوالدين ، وصلة الرحم ،وحق الجار ، وکفالة اليتيم، والعفو والصفح، وحسن الخلق، وآداب الزيارة ، وعيادة المريض ، والاستغفار ، والدعاء ، وإکرام الضيف ، وغيرها من الآداب الهامة ، وهو کتاب عظيم الفائدة نفيس في بابه، ومرجع لا غني عنه ،ينبغي أن يکون موضع عناية المشتغلين بالتربية والتعليم ، وبالتوجيه والإرشاد ، أورد فيه البخاري من الأحاديث الصحيحة عن النبي صلي الله عليه وسلم وآثار الصحابة والتابعين الثقات ما يتعلق بهذا الباب والملامح الدلالية للکلمة لا يتم الا من خلال السياق فهو الذي يحدد دلالة الکلمة تحديدا دقيقا، فقد أقبلت علي دراسة الخير والشر دراسة سياقية في هذا الکتاب ، وهدف الدراسة ذکر لمحة عن أهمية السياق بتطبيقه علي الأحاديث موضوع البحث ونعني به السياق العام أو البنية کلها وهي نص الحديث مضافاً إليه الظروف والملابسات الخارجية، التي أثبتت أن لفظ (الخير) ومشتقاته قد ورد بالمعني المعجمي وهو ما يقابل الشر.
This modern study dealt with the book “Al-Adab al-Mufrad" by Imam al-Bukhari, which is considered one of the best materials in virtuous religious etiquette, and high Islamic morals, which the Muslim is indispensable for, such as: honoring parents, maintaining ties of kinship, the right of the neighbour, sponsoring an orphan, forgiveness and forgiveness, good manners, and visiting etiquette, patient visiting, seeking forgiveness, supplication, honoring the guest, and other things Important etiquette, a book of great benefit and valuable in its chapter, and an indispensable reference, it should be the subject of care for those who are engaged in education, and with guidance and counseling. The word is not done except through the context, as it determines the meaning of the word precisely. I have accepted the study of good and evil as a contextual study in this book, and the aim of the study is to mention a glimpse of the importance of the context by applying it to the hadiths in question, by which we mean the general context or the whole structure, which is the text of the hadith in addition. To him the external circumstances and circumstances, which proved that the word (good) and its derivatives have been mentioned in the lexical sense, which corresponds to evil, and indicated the meanings of There are many other meanings in it: Hajj, emancipation, Islam, faith, mercy, kinship ties, charity, the good of this world and the hereafter, the kind word, Gabriel, peace be upon him, the kindness and those whom God Almighty mentions when seeing them, the good of the hereafter, reconciliation between people, and other meanings and that Most of them are preferred. As for the word (evil) and its derivatives, it indicates the lexical meaning, which is the most frequent, and it came with meanings in it: torment, harm, evil, gossip, and other meanings that have been clarified in their place of the research.