الطبيعة مصدر إلهام لکل فنان , و منبع وحى فى معظم الآثار الفنية , سواء أکانت شعرًا , أم موسيقى , فهى کما يقول " ليوناردو دافنشى " ( معلمة المعلمين جميعًا ) .
و قد ظهرت الطبيعة فى اکثر مظاهرها فى شعر محمد الأسمر , حيث وصفها الشاعر فى قصائد و مقطوعات شعرية تموج بالحياة , و تنبض بالإحساس , و صور مشاعره تجاهها , فى صورة موحية مثيرة للمشاعر و الأحاسيس , متغنيًا بأشجارها , و أزهارها , و مياهها , و شمسها , و قمرها , و أطيارها , و حيوانها ....
و اتسم شعره فى وصف الطبيعة بخصوبة الخيال و رحابة التصوير بفضل موهبته الشعرية , و استعداده الشخصى , و براعته فى علوم اللغة , و اطلاعه على التراث الشعرى العربى القديم و الحديث .
کما اتسم اسلوبه فى وصف الطبيعة بسمات قلما وجدت فى اسلوب غيره من شعراء عصره .
Nature is a source of inspiration for every artist, and a source of inspiration in most artistic works, whether it is poetry or music, as it is, as Leonardo da Vinci (the teacher of all teachers) says.
Nature has appeared in its most manifestations in the poetry of Muhammad Al-Asmar, where the poet described it in poems and pieces of poetry that ripple with life and pulsate with feelings, and portrayed his feelings towards her, in a suggestive form that provokes feelings and feelings, singing about its trees, flowers, and waters, and Its sun, its moon, its birds, its animals...
His poetry in describing nature was characterized by the fertility of imagination and the spaciousness of photography thanks to his poetic talent, his personal readiness, his ingenuity in linguistics, and his knowledge of the ancient and modern Arab poetic heritage.
His style of describing nature was also characterized by features rarely found in the style of other poets of his time.