تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى بيان عظمة التشريع الإسلامي؛ لامتلاکه منظومة تشريعية کاملة، يفيد منها المسلمون في الأزمات والنوازل، ومن ثمَّ محاولة الوقوف على دور الحجر الصحي في الحد من انتشار الأوبئة، وبيان أنواعه، وضوابطه، والتأصيل الشرعي له، ومدى سلطة الحاکم في الإلزام بالحجر الصحي، وعقوبة مخالفة أوامر ولي الأمر في الإلزام بالحجر الصحي، وأخيراً بيان الآثار الإيجابية والسلبية المترتبة على الحجر الصحي.
This study aims to demonstrate the greatness of Islamic legislation. For possessing a complete legislative system, Muslims benefit from them in crises and calamities, and then try to find out the role of quarantine in limiting the spread of epidemics, and clarifying its types, controls, and legal rooting for it, the extent of the ruler's authority to compel quarantine, and the penalty for violating the guardian's orders to compel With quarantine, and finally the positive and negative effects of quarantine. This study aims to demonstrate the greatness of Islamic legislation. For possessing a complete legislative system, Muslims benefit from them in crises and calamities, and then try to find out the role of quarantine in limiting the spread of epidemics, and clarifying its types, controls, and legal rooting for it, the extent of the ruler's authority to compel quarantine, and the penalty for violating the guardian's orders to compel With quarantine, and finally the positive and negative effects of quarantine.