بدأت بحثي بالتعريف بأبي فهر، ومنهجه في بحثه، ثم فرَّقت بين الحرف والصوت عنده وعند العلماء القدامى والمحدثين، کما ذکرت ترتيب مخارج الحروف عنده، وأوجه الاتفاق والاختلاف بينه وبين القدامى فيها، ومن مخارج الحروف انتقلت إلى صفاتها عنده، ومدى توافقه مع أقوال القدامى فيها، وانتهيت إلى أن أبا فهر من العلماء الأفذاذ القلائل الذين لم يقفوا عند التخصص، بل غاص في کل العلوم، وأنه تأثر بعلماء اللغة القدامى کالخليل وسيبويه وتلميذه ابن جني، فوافقهم في کثير من أقوالهم، لکنه خالف الخليل في مخارج الأصوات وبعض صفاتها.
I began my research by introducing Abu Fihr and the the methodology of his research. Then, I differentiated between the letter and the sound in Abu Fihr s view, in the view of old scholars, and in the view of modern linguists. and nentioned the order linguists. I also mentioned the order of the letters points of articulation in Abu Fihrs view, and disagreement between him and the old scholars. From the letters characteristics in Abu Fihrs view, and to what extent he agreed with the old scholars views. The researcher concluded that Abu Fihr was one of the few peerless scholars who were not restricted to specialization, on the contrary, he immersed himself in oll sciences. The researcher also concluded that Abu Fihr was influenced by old linguists suchas AL-Kalily, Sibawayh and his student Ibn Jinni, he agreed with them on many points of view, but he disagreed with AL- Kalily on the letters points of articulation and some of their characteristics.