Artificial intelligence is a dominant part of our daily life nowadays, we can see this in our smart phones which have several software programs that help us in many aspects of our lives. Artificial intelligence has evolved in lots of fields recently and became a basic demand for our community like other developed nations. For this reason, our government established faculties specialized in AI to prepare our nation for the near future. Drama as always reflects this interest in AI. And although other nations began to reflect AI in drama as a main factor for its science fiction genre earlier than us, Egyptian drama recently responded to this community interest. The artificial intelligence and especially robots are one of the main subjects discussed in almost every mass media platform nowadays all over the world, but only recently Egyptian drama began to tackle this subject in two of the most popular and famous series, one of two series is a thriller and a Science fiction television drama series entitled “The end" which was premiered on ON E- Network 2020.The other one is entitled “A robot is in our house" which is a comedy series premiered in February 2021.
Artifical Intelligence (AI), International Drama, Egyptian Drama, E- Network, Robots
Faculty of Mass Communication, MSA University
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بحوث علمیة متخصصة فی مجال الاعلام والاتصال.
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المجلة العربية لبحوث الاعلام والاتصال
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Artificial intelligence as portrayed in International and Egyptian Drama: A psychological perspective