The main objectives of this paper are: To discover new facts related to the museums evolution
throughout history till now, to verify the impact of technology on the museums, to analyze the
process through which the evolution of museums took place, and to identify the relationship < br />between the main definition of a museum and the emerged museum buildings, in order to achieve
the paper main objectives, data presented traces the history of museums, first by noting the
etymology of the word museum and its derivatives, next by describing the private collecting
conducted in ancient and medieval times, reviewing the development of modern public museums
from the Renaissance to the present day, and finally keeping shedding the light on the role of
technology on the modern development and transformation of museums, the functionalities of the
traditional typologies and the evolution of new ones, the paper hypothesis to be tested is: The
historical target of museums had been subjected to many modifications due to the technological,
political and social modifications that have altered the general mission of the museum as the house
of collections, the conclusion of the paper would be showing whether the actual mission of
museums today is still taken into consideration within the new typologies as well as deriving the
attained result after all the presented information to derive a general result proving the hypothesis
stated, architecture is a clear reflection of the society, so it is subjected to dramatic changes,
therefore it is not appropriate to design today in the manners, ideas, and believes of yesterday.