“In Egypt urban sprawl was early affected by industrialization trend that began in the last century. In the 1960's, sprawl accelerated as a result of socialistic and industrialization orientation. That resulted in, high urban population density, huge shortage of urban housing, increase of city areas and less increase of city numbers. Many substandard districts grown up. During the 1970's, specific conditions happened such as open economic policy and petroleum employment. Under these circumstances, substandard areas got a new trend to have huge mass and growing velocity. Increased urban population made its efforts to achieve shelter. People built more than 2 million units (4 millions in another estimation) without formal registration. Those units are used to be called Informal Housing. Informal settlements have serious problems related to planning, urban tissue, services, and absence of buildings finishing which give impression of collapsing and city deterioration. In spite of being serious problems and deterioration features there are positive indications. An important Argument appears since inhabitants have low income but they could achieve access to infrastructure, establishment of facilities, and – some times- planning roles better than formal areas. That argument establish hypothesis of being special properties and embedded capabilities and power. The study contrives main embedded forces in informal housing and tries to make use of them in future housing projects. The main contrived elements are, detracting factors, attracting factors such as access with work locations, access with exist cities, establishment of critical limit of infrastructure, simple methods of land distribution, embedded economic resources, informal saving types, sustainable and self finance of buildings, and popular participation. Study concludes Sites and Services as suitable method for housing low income groups. Sites and Services method must be adapted by effectuate contrived elements."