A few years ago, human was affected by a new era of information and communications technology. This new era is distinguished by its rapid change in computer systems that have a great impact on communication systems. World now becomes as a small village, Therefore globalization expression appeared and becomes a fact. This rapid communication change influences life style & systems. This is also affects city planning (land use, service structures and standards).
This paper will discuss the effect of information and communications technology revolution on the city structure, specially service patterns and standards in new cities. This is will be done through theoretical study which explain globalization, information technology expressions, meanings, theories. Discussing the latest tools of communications, internet revolution, vertical reality, electronic space and all modern tools in this direction. The theoretical study conclude the impact of information technology on the service standards at new cities for all planning levels, (neighborhood unit , community, city ).A case study is done which depends on selecting three cities in different decades , starting from 1980-1990 period, 1990-2000 as second period and finally 2000-2010 as third period This selection depends on some cities which be planned at the period which before the appearance of information technology. The second period which will be at the appearance of information technology. The third period will be after the beginning of this revolution and its effects will be appeared. Comparing the services standards for these cities at every period for different planning levels will conclude the impact of information technology for every kind of services (education, religious, commercial, social, social, health, recreational, administration, and cultural services) will be concluded.