Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure in which the eyelid skin, orbicularis oculi muscle, and orbital fat are excised, redraped, or sculpted to rejuvenate the esthetic look of the patient along with correction of any functional abnormality.
In upper eyelid blepharoplasty removal of excess skin and raising the eyelid may lead to redistribution of the pressure applied by the lids over the cornea and cause changes in corneal shape which could be proved with corneal topography. Also pressure of excess skin and prolapsed fat may cause alterations in normal corneal curvature. This could change corneal refraction or astigmatism and that may cause blurred vision.
Evaluation of refractive and corneal topographic changes that follows upper eyelid blepharoplasty.
Patients with upper eyelid blepharochalasis without previous upper eyelidsurgeries
Previous corneal surgery,dry eye,uncontrolled DM,keratoconus or keratectasia,corneal surface irregularities andlenticular pathologies.
A prospective study in which10 patients(20 eyes) with age range from 35 to 81 years 2 of them were males(4eyes) and 8 females(16eyes) subjected to the following before undergoing upper eyelid blepharoplasty: Complete history taking including: Age, medical and surgical history.
Complete ophthalmic examination, Visual acuity testing, Cycloplgic refraction upper eyelid examination: marginal reflex distance(MRD), marginal crease distance(MCD) and Pentacam (Oculyzer II, WaveLight, Germany) study of the cornea.