CKD-MBD is one of complications that usually manifested at late stages of CKD then progressed with dialysis Although renal transplantation is
considered a good option of renal replacement therapy that may decrease
dialysis complications, CKD MBD is not usually fully resolved after
transplantation, especially with the commencement of immune suppressive
Vitamin D has a known role in pathogenesis of CKD MBD Adding to its
usual action on bone integrity, extra skeletal actions and association between
its deficiency and many other diseases are now postulated.
the aim of study :
-measuring the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in renal transplant recipients
in a single centre Almowasah hospital)
-determining predictors of low 25 hydroxyvitamin D 25 ( D) levels using
patient characteristics to identify patients at a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency
subjects and methods :
This study was carried on renal transplant recipients who performed the
surgery in Almowasah university hospital in the period between June 2015
and September 2017 Data was collected from patients during their regular
follow up in the hospital transplantation clinic The initial number of patients
was 62 patients but after drop out and excluding patients on vitamin D
supplements the study was conducted on 55 patients
All patients were subjected to detailed history taking and physical
examination including BMI The laboratory investigations included CBC,
renal function tests, PTH pre and post transplantation 25 ( D was
measured as a good indicator of vitamin D status