This work was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of seven plant powders on the biology of the cowpea beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis(L). All plant powders were tested for their repellency action and Insecticidal effect against C. chinensis .Regarding to the avoiding rate percentages, results indicated that one day after treatment, the highest percentage was 81.5 % at banana powder, while the least one was 67.6 % at fenugreek powder. The highest avoiding rates were recorded with the powders of spearmint and lemongrass resulting 61.3 % , while the least rates was recorded with fenugreek giving 32.5%, 8 days after treatments. The highest decrease percentages in the number of laid eggs was recorded with the treatment of lantana at the first generation giving 61.4 % decreased to 41.6, 24.4 % at the second and third generations , respectively. The least decrease percentages in the number of laid eggs was recorded with the treatment of orange at the third generation giving 14.4 % while it was 30.6, % at the first and second generations . The highest numbers of emerged adults was appeared with banana powders recording 258, while the lowest number was occurred at lantana treatment recording 150.0 adults , in comparison with 471.7 adults in control treatment . The lowest mean numbers of emerged adults along the three generations was recorded with lantana powder, followed by lemon grass treatment. The lowest percentage of emerged females was occurred on lantana powder where the percentage of progeny was 21.3% , 29.3% for fenugreek , 33 % for orange, 34.1 % for lemongrass , 34.7 % for lupine, 38.9 % for banana without significant differences , in comparison with 49.5 % in control. The highest relative protection percentages, along the three generations were recorded with lantana powder recording 36.1 , 64.7 and 68.2 % for the first , second and third generation, respectively followed by lemon grass and lupine ranging between 52.3 to 59.8 % .