Tomato is one of the most important economic vegetable crops which are attacked by several serious diseases such as root-rot. The effect of biocides (Bio-Zeid, Bio-Arc, Plant guard and Clean-Root), fungicides (Rhizolex-T, Vitavax 200 and Maxiam) and plant extracts (Eucalyptus globules, Allium cepa, Datura spp, and Mentha viridis) on growth of Fusarium solani fungus in vitro and on root-rot disease of tomato caused by Fusarium Solani and their effect on biochemical changes were studied under greenhouse conditions. In vitro, all tested biocides were able to inhibit growth of F. solani. Seed treatment with biocides decreased percentage of disease incidence compared with control. Bio-Zeid was the most effective compared with other biocides. All fungicides were able to inhibit linear growth of F. solani compared to the control. Rhizolex-T and Vitavax 200 were the most effective fungicides treatments followed by Maxiam. All water extracts of camphor, onion, Datura and Mint were able to inhibit growth of F. solani compared to the control. Seed of tomato treatment with plant extract decreased disease incidence. Water extract of onion plants was the most effective compared with other plant extracts. Also, all treatments effected on enzymes activity, Bio-Zeid gave the highest increment in peroxidase followed by Bio-Arc and Rhizolex-T. Where, onion gave the highest increase in polyphenloxidase activity followed by Bio-Zeid. Also it gave the highest increase in chitinase activity followed by Rhizolex-T compared to other treatments.