This study aimed at : Constructing a proposed model for dynamics of poverty, including the different components : inputs, throughputs and outputs of poverty. Identifying the nature of correlation and regression relationship between the three components of the poverty dynamics model, the nature of correlation and regression relationship between the determinants of poverty component (inputs) and the indicators of throughputs, Identifying the nature of correlation and regression relationship between the composite of throughputs and each of indicators of the outputs. The present study carried out in two villages of Behera governorate which were jaeef from Itay El-Baroud districts and Abis 9/6, Kafr El-Dawar districts . A random sample of 140 farmers was chosen from each village. Data were collected by interviewing respondents through using a pre-tested questionnaire. It were statistically analyzed by using frequencies , percentages, simple correlation coefficients, T Scores , Z Scores and simple regression analysis .The findings indicated that : the determinant of poverty component as an independent a variable its contribution to the explained 57.4% , 29.3% of the total variance of throughputs and outputs respectively The poverty component(throughputs) as an independent a variable explained 54.4% of the variance of outputs .poverty component (inputs), as an independent variable explained 9.5%,36.2%, 47%, of the variance of education, nutrition, and healthcare respectly . The (inputs) explained 4.6%., 10.3%., 20.9%. , 21.3%.,19.7%.,29%, 1.5% of the total variance of children education, political participation, social participation, cultural cosmopolitness, ambition, membership of organizations, community affiliation respectively The composite of throughputs explained 30.3%.,24.9%., 17% , 52.9%.,34.8%., 29.9%., 0.4%., 1.2% of the variance of children education, political participation, social participation, ambition , membership of organizations, community affiliation and social justice respectively .