This study aimed basically at identifying the patterns and motivations of crime in Menoufiya governorate, through the following sub-objectives: (1)investigating the patterns and rates of crime in Egypt.(2) estimating the differences of crime in urban and rural areas in Egypt. (3) investigating the patterns and rates of crime in Menoufiya governorate, (4) estimating the differences of crime in urban and rural areas in Menoufia governorate. This study is based on secondary data and content analysis about the crime. Secondary data were collected from the official sources and governmental documents such as Public Security Department of internal Ministry. the descriptiveapproach using content analysisof the crime for some specialized newspapers that publish everything about crime in the Egyptian society, such, Menoufiya newspaper. Data were analyzed descriptively and analytically by using frequencies, percentages, range, mean, standard deviation.
The most important results of this study could be summarized as follows:-
1- The number of crimes committed in the Republic during the period 2006-2012 was 869318 crimes, the vast majority of which (641696 crimes) were minor offenses and less serious crimes, "delicts" and constitute about (73.8%) of the total crimes , While the number of "crimes" crimes, the most serious crimes in the Republic (227600), constitute about (26.2%).
2- The main motives that lead the urban population to commit the crime are: the need for money (14.7%) of the urban drivers, the bad companionship rate (8.8%), the mistreatment by the victim by 7.4% (7.3%), quarrels and verbal quarrels (7%), marital infidelity and marital disputes (6.5%), In the countryside, the motives were: quarrels and verbal strife (21.3%), need for money (14.1%), family differences (8.3%), desire to retaliate (6.8%), were among the main motives for committing crime in the countryside.
3-The high rates of committing the following offenses in Menoufia governorate: murder and wrong injury by (73.1%), theft of cars by 6.3%, theft of cattle by 4.1% (4%) compared to other offenses. The percentage of committing the following criminal offenses in Menoufia governorate: (76.1%), murder and attempted murder (7%) compared with other criminal offenses in Menoufia governorate.
4-The main motives that lead the urban population to commit the crime are: the need for money (53.9%) of the urban drivers, quarrels and verbal quarrels (11.7%), the motive of theft (6.5%), In the countryside, the motives were: need for money (45%), the motive of theft (13%). quarrels and verbal quarrels (11.7%). family differences/ disagreements (9%).