The goal of this work is evaluating the hydrological characteristics and soil resources of Wadi Watir basin, Sinai, Egypt. Thirty morphometric parameters were calculated relying on SRTM data of digital elevation model (DEM). The drainage area of the basin is 3493.2 km2. It is divided into thirteen sub-basins of various areas. The morphometric analysis suggests that, the basin is of seven stream order via in most cases dendritic drainage pattern and homogeneous nature.
Based totally on the morphometric parameters that have right away impacts on flood susceptible region, the flash flood hazards of Wadi Watir basin are categorized into medium and high hazard degree. For mitigation measure, some dams and dikes are important to construct at the crossing point of the highest stream order.
Consequences indicated that, the peak discharge values for Watir basin were 12203.9, 8103.1, 5366.2, 2977.5, and 1884.7 m3/s for the 100-, 50-, 25-, 10-, and 5-year return periods, respectively. The runoff volumes for Wadi Watir basin have been 880195.88×103 m3, 585256.89 ×103 m3, 387778.05×103 m3, 214802.10×103 m3 and 135858.1×103 m3 for the 100-, 50-, 25-, 10-, and 5- year return periods, respectively. The groundwater map was categorized into five potential classes; e.g., very poor, poor, intermediate, good and very good potential.
In step with the physiochemical characteristics of the geomorphological units of the study basin, the theme layer of those units become reclassified into marginal and non-suitability classes for agriculture use. Marginal suitability class is represented through wadi channel, alluvial plains and delta deposits (230.9 km2). Non suitability class is represented with the aid of all other geomorphic units which characterized by high relief, steep slope, and impervious rocks or very shallow soil depth.