A field experiment was conducted during the two successive winter season 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 at a privet farm, Damas Village, Mitghamr, 30° 48′ 42″ N, 31° 19′ 0″ E Dakahliya Governorate, Egypt with wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L.,Sakha 93 C.) was grown in clay soil. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design with three replicates. The aim of the present study the effects of foliar spray and soil applications of N and P compaind with gibberellic acid GA3 to reduce the environmental impact of use of mineral fertilizers on some vegetative growth characters of wheat plant on some macro-nutrients (N, P and K) content and uptake in grain and straw yields of wheat. Results indicated that plant height, number of tillers, dry weight, and weight of 1000 grains, grains, and straw yield affected by application of mineral fertilizer with GA3 gave highest values compared with the treatment without foliar by GA3. Chlorophyll A, B, and carotenoids values were varied based on the types of applied fertilizers. Foliar spray of GA3 significant increase in chlorophyll A, B, carotenoids of all studied treatments. The highest performance was attained with (T9) 50% N and 50% P of the recommended doses + foliar spray 6 % urea and 3% Pwithout GA3. On the other hand the above mentioned with GA3 exhibited more pronounced increase. The highest carotenoids, Total sugars, T.S.C. and T.H.C. it was attained from (T9) followed (T8) 50% N and 50% P of the recommended doses + foliar spray 4 % of urea and 3% of P without GA3 and with GA3 respectively. Improve in the NPK and protein content of all treatment under study compared to the treatment control (T1) 100% of the recommended of mineral fertilizers, positive responses for all nutrients content of wheat grains and straw to foliar spray of GA3, compared to without foliar GA3 spraying.