The present work was conducted to achieve the following aims: Evaluate
of the changes during composting cattle and poultry manures and compost maturity i.e
total organic carbon, total nitrogen, C/N ratio, humic substances, humification index, under
two aer
ation techniques i.e. Forced Ventilation System (FVS) by means of composer pump < /div>
and Mechanically turned System (MTS) by means of loader. A design of a composting
Forced Ventilation System (FVS), is a 2 polyethylene plastic cages (1m length x 0.45 width
x 0.6 m height), with 4 inches (10 cm) pipe diameter. Each 4 plastic Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
perforated pipes were laid horizontally and vertically in a cage shape, an about 600
At the end of composting (80 days) all the treatments reached the maturity standard,
except for piles of both poultry and cattle manures under FVS, the maturity state were
reached at the 65th. Forced Ventilation System (FVS) with the composting of cattle and
poultry manures lower in labour cost, sped up the composting pr
ocess and got the best
compost quality in compared to the MTS. Furthermore, it has been defined as a good
method to reduce nitrogen loss by volatilization. However, it has the disadvantage,
compared to pile of MTS, of the limited homogenization of the pile.
Besides, there is a
higher need of watering because of evaporation. The main disadvantages of the MTS are
the difficulty in controlling the temperature and the loss of nitrogen during the turnings.
Indeed, the present investigation demonstrated that compos
t tea quality of the end
products compost from cattle and poultry manures under FVS were better quality
compared to the same organic manure under the other aeration technique. Overall,
considering of the environment, agronomy value, phytotoxicity and effic
iency indicators,
the method FVS was most suitable for composting practice production.