The current investigation aims to identifying the land and water resources in some areas of Ismailiya governorate. This study covers the soil geomorphological and pedological characteristics including classification, land capability evaluation and assessment the land suitability for certain main crops. The integration of Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques were used to perform this work.
The interpretation of satellite image of the study area indicated that, there are six main identified geomorphic units including seven subunits in this area. These units are 1) Depressions, 2) Terraces (Low and High), 3) Basins (over flow basins and Decantation basins), 4) Peneplains (Low and High), 5) Sandy plains (Low, Moderate and High) and 6) Mountain (foot slope and Crest). Twenty soil profiles were selected representing these landforms.
The land and site features are observed and registered. Soil profiles were dug and morphologically described. Samples were collected representing the subsequent layers in each profile as well as irrigation water samples were taken for integrated physical and chemical analysis.
The studied area has almost flat topography with an elevation between -4 to 134 m. above sea level. The studied soils are deep with well drainage system. These soils have light texture mostly loamy sand with weak granular structure. All of these soils are non-saline to slightly saline and non-sodic having slightly alkaline reaction. These soils are moderately calcareous. Organic matter (OM), cation exchange capacity (CEC) and gypsum are low. These soils have low content of available macro nutrients (N, P and K). All of the studied soils haven't any diagnostic sub-surface horizons. Therefor these soils are classified under Entisols whether as Typic Torripsaments (89.4%) or Typic Torriorthents (10.6%).
The water samples taken from the Low Terraces, Low sandy plains and Peneplains showed a good quality for irrigation purposes. Water samples of the other landforms have moderate to severe salinity, sodicity and chloride hazards. According to the land capability evaluation results, about 25.7% from the studied area was fair (C3) and 74.3% was poor (C4). Land suitability evaluation for sixteen field, vegetables and fruit trees crops indicated that, soils of most the studied landforms except the Low Sandy plains are highly suitable (S1) to marginally suitable (S3) for all studied crops