A diallel cross set was carried out among six parents of common wheat Varieties without reciprocal crosses to study the inheritance of yield and its components.
- Griffing method :-
Genotypes, parents and the resultant crosses mean squares were found to be highly significant for most traits studied at the two different nitrogen levels and their combined data.
General combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) mean squares were found to be highly significant for most characters under examination.
The interaction of the two different nitrogen fertilizer levels with general and specific combining ability mean squares were found to highly significant for some traits .
Concerning grain yield per plant, five hybrid combinations showed significant specific combining ability effects .
- The graphical analysis:-
Partial dominance was found in the inheritance of days to heading and grain yield per plant. Complete dominance was found in the inheritance of days to maturity, plant height no. of spikes per plant. Over dominance was detected to be involved in the genetics of some traits.
- Hayman method:-
The additive genetic variance () was found to be highly significant for all traits studied except number of grains per spike and grain yield per plant .
The dominance genetic variation and were found to be highly significant for all traits studied .
The average degree of dominance (/)1/2 was found to be greater than unity for all traits under investigations.
Moderate heritability values were detected for heading date, plant height and spike length .
- Jones method:
The additive genetic variance (a) was found to be highly significant for all characters studied. The dominance genetic variation (b) was highly significant for all characters studied .
Assessing genetic diversity using SCoT markers:
The total of 137 alleles were detected by twelve SCoT markers on the six wheat genotypes. The lowest genetic distance was between Gemmeiza11 and Line3 and the highest genetic distance was between Gemmiza11 and Line2.