Tlemcen has always been throughout the different dynasties that existed in its history an important city which played a great role in history and that attracted various populations. The pearl of the Maghreb , played not only a great historical role , but also an important commercial one , we did not know too much about its role during the roman domination , however its real importance started with the Arabic and Islamic conquest. The Idrissides of Fes chooses it as one of their royal residences and it was the beginning of its future splendor. Two centuries after, we found it rich, powerful, occupying the first place among the towns of this part of Africa. When it became the capital of the Béni-Zian , its importance increased they extended its territory and increased its fortifications , and embellished it with superb buildings (edifices) such as the great mosques , palaces and medersas . During the period of Abu Tachfin they builted bathes , and a great number of hotels according to the African fashion , two of them were affected to the Venetians and Genoese's who were doing commerce with this region . The inhabitants of Tlemcen were divided to four categories: craftsmen- commercially shrewd (business men) – students – soldiers. The businessmen were honest and fair men, they have only one occupation which was to maintain and enrich their town through their commerce with the Sudan which made them rich.