Two field experiments were carried out to study the effect of compost tea, Azolla and yeast alone or mixed with different rates from urea fertilizers on soil properties and wheat productivity under saline soil condition in Sahl El Hossinia, El – Sharkia Governorate during two winter seasons of 2008 – 2009 and 2009 -2010. Urea rates (50 and 75 Kg N Fed-1 ) . The results indicated that increasing mineral nitrogen dose of application from 50 to 75 Kg N Fed-1 with compost tea led to increase the counts of total bacteria and cyanobacteria. Therefore increase, the rate of respiration and subsequently increased the amounts of evaluated CO2 and also increased both dehydrogenase and nitrogenase activities. In all treatments decreased soil pH and EC as a result of improving soil physical properties and activity microorganisms compared with control treatments. The highest organic matters were obtained with application of T11, T12, T9, T10 and T3. Data showed that nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium soil content were significantly increased when application with T11 over all treatments. The highest NPK contents were 114.50, 6.18 and 245 ppm respectively. Application of treatment T12 (50 Kg N + Azolla + yeast + compost tea) non – significant increase in plant height with T7 (75 Kg N + compost tea) and T9 (75Kg N + Azolla + yeast) giving 97.3, 96.60 and 99.64 cm plant-1. The treatment of compost tea addition with different levels of urea ( 75 and 50 Kg N. Fed- 1 ) increased the plant high, grain yield and the weight of 1000 grains and also increased plant dry weight and straw yield compared the control ( T1 and T2 ). However, T 12 treatment (50 Kg N + Azolla + yeast + compost tea) (485.82 /m-2 grain) giving highest recorded for all treatments accept T11 (75 Kg N + Azolla + yeast + compost tea) giving 499.78g / m2. The highest value T11 (1000 grain weight) was significantly higher than all tested treatments. Both of T9 and T12 of these high values were significantly higher than the control treatment. Higher value of P and K concentrations for wheat grain and straw were achieved with the application T11 and T9 treatments than the other treatments. The recorded values of N, P and K concentration by grains were 1.85, 0.78 and 1.82 % for soil treated with compost tea combination (75 Kg N Fed -1).