Seasonal water samples were collected during the period of April 2004 to January 2005 and physico-chemical analyses were performed for each sample. Isolation and identification of the different algal species were carried out. Concerning the physical water characteristics, temperature of the water samples, during the period of study, ranged 26 - 30 ºC, pH values ranged 6.9 – 7.78 and light intensities, received by the surface of shallow water of the spring, ranged 26.4-115 Klux. On the other hand the values of chemical water characteristics (anions, cations, micronutrients) were seasonally fluctuated and no detection of cobalt and cadmium were recorded. The total identified algal flora in the water samples of the four seasons recorded 209 species and 116 genera belonging to 8 algal divisions; Cyanobacteria, Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta, Chrysophyta, Xanthophyta, Euglenophyta, Dinophyta and Charophyta. Cyanobacteria were the maximally represented division (91 species and 29 genera) during the period of study, followed by Chlorophyta (59 species and 45 genera), Bacillariophyta (52 species and 35 genera), Chrysophyta and Euglenophyta were represented each by (2 species and 2 genera).While, the least representative algal divisions were Charophyta, Dinophyta and Xanthophyta (1 species and 1 genera). The largest algal biomass was recorded in winter sample (138 species and 92 genera) followed in descending order by autumn (87 species and 56 genera), summer (71 species and 45 genera) and spring samples (48 species and 25 genera). It seemed that the diversity of algal flora in water samples was mainly controlled by and significantly correlated with some physico-chemical characteristics of water samples.