The objective of this work was to investigate the effect of some commercial fertilizer compounds on growth yield and characteristics of the isolated alga Scenedesmus sp. For pre-cultivation and isolation, the sterilized drainage water was enriched by 10% N8 macronutrients solution. Tap water was used for scaling-up of indoor cultivation. Then nutrients were added to reach the content of the different nutrients to those of the drainage water plus 10% of N8 macronutrients solution.
Out door cultures were started by Plexiglas aquarium (200 L) followed by open plate unit (1000 L); and ended by open ponds of 15000L.Nutrient solution was composed of tap water enriched by 0.3 g.1-1 urea (46.5% N), 0.1m1.1-1 phosphoric acid (85%), 0.05 g.1-1 SoluPotass (mini.50.0%K2O & 46.0% SO3) and 0.1 m1.1-1 Nitrophoska Foliar (a fluid fertilizer suspension contains 10.0, 4.0, 7.0 and 0.2% N, P, K and Mg; respectively).
The daily measurements of dry weight and total chlorophyll on the average showed that the maximum dry weight was obtained by the 11 th day, which was about 0.9g.1-1 and of 10.0 mg. 1-1 of total chlorophyll by such time. Growth in term of dry weight was also characterized by 0.2, 0.09, 7.7, 2.53, 0.18, 0.38 and 580 of, µmax• µavr• doubling time, degree of multiplication, daily increment, initial increase, and percentage increase, respectively. As for total chlorophyll accumulation, it was characterized by 0.36, 0.14, 4.95, 4.12, 6.45, 13.88 and 1746 for the aforementioned parameter.