The sea port is an outlet for many countries to the outside world. With the increase in industrial development and trade exchange, the interest in ports, ships and the maritime transport system has increased. The Mediterranean countries are characterized by the presence of many ports that differ in terms of function.
The goal is to assess the capabilities of East Port Said port. In the globalized world, distances are shrinking scientifically. Maritime transport and sea ports play an important role in supporting the economic growth of any nation. The world has witnessed great changes in the volume of ships and an increase in international trade and production containers. As a result of the development, the role of ports has changed from being a connection between sea and land to full-fledged logistics service providers that include networks and multi-value activities. To make the port globally competitive it includes infrastructure and facilities as well as improving their operating systems.
The assessment aims to identify both the human and natural resources affecting the geographical location and then its impact on the surrounding environment. The assessment is one of the important tools for optimal exploitation of material and human resources, which works to develop the economy, and to ensure the protection of the environment for future generations. The geographical assessment of ports helps in the planning process. Decision making, determining the environmental impacts resulting from petroleum ports, oil and natural gas ships, and determining their efficiency according to international assessment standards.
Keywords : Eastern Mediterranean - East Port Said Port - Containers - Logistics
يعد الميناء البحريّ منفذًا لکثير من الدول إلى العالم الخارجيّ، فمع زيادة التطور الصناعيّ والتبادل التجاريّ زاد الاهتمام بالموانئ والسفن ومنظومة النقل البحريّ، وتمتاز دول حوض البحر المتوسط بوجود الکثير من الموانئ التي تختلف من حيث الوظيفة.
الهدف هو تقييم إمکانيات ميناء شرق بورسعيد ، ففي العالم المعولم أصبحت المسافات تتقلص علميًا النقل البحري والموانئ البحرية تلعب دورًا هامًا في دعم النمو الأقتصادي لأي أمه. وشهد العالم تغيرات کبيرة في حجم السفن وزيادة التجارة الدولية والحاويات الانتاجية. ونتيجة التطور تغير دور الموانئ من کونها اتصال بين البحر والأرض لمقدمي الخدمات اللوجستية الکاملة التي تشتمل الشبکات والأنشطة المتعددة القيمة . ولجعل الميناء قادرًا على التنافس العالمي فهي تشمل البنية التحتية والمرافق وکذلک تحسين نظم التشغيل الخاصة بهم.
يهدف التقييم إلى تحديد کل من الموارد البشرية والطبيعية المؤثرة في الموقع الجغرافي ومن ثم تأثيرة على البيئة المحيطة ، يعد التقييم من الأدوات المهمة لاستغلال الموارد المادية والبشرية بشکل أمثل مما يعمل على تنمية الأقتصاد ، ولضمان حماية البيئة للأجيال القادمة ، فالتقييم الجغرافي للموانئ يساعد في عملية التخطيط واتخاذ القرار وتحديد الآثار البيئية الناتجه عن الموانئ البترولية وسفن البترول والغاز الطبيعي وتحديد مدى کفاءتها حسب معايير التقييم العالمية.
کلمات مفتاحية: شرق المتوسط – ميناء شرق بورسعيد – حاويات - لوجستية
The sea port is an outlet for many countries to the outside world. With the increase in industrial development and trade exchange, the interest in ports, ships and the maritime transport system has increased. The Mediterranean countries are characterized by the presence of many ports that differ in terms of function.
The goal is to assess the capabilities of East Port Said port. In the globalized world, distances are shrinking scientifically. Maritime transport and sea ports play an important role in supporting the economic growth of any nation. The world has witnessed great changes in the volume of ships and an increase in international trade and production containers. As a result of the development, the role of ports has changed from being a connection between sea and land to full-fledged logistics service providers that include networks and multi-value activities. To make the port globally competitive it includes infrastructure and facilities as well as improving their operating systems.
The assessment aims to identify both the human and natural resources affecting the geographical location and then its impact on the surrounding environment. The assessment is one of the important tools for optimal exploitation of material and human resources, which works to develop the economy, and to ensure the protection of the environment for future generations. The geographical assessment of ports helps in the planning process. Decision making, determining the environmental impacts resulting from petroleum ports, oil and natural gas ships, and determining their efficiency according to international assessment standards.
Keywords : Eastern Mediterranean - East Port Said Port - Containers - Logistics