
تقدير متبقيات المبيدات في هواء مصانع المبيدات وتأثيرها على ذکور الجرذان DETERMINATION OF PESTICIDE RESIDUES IN FACTORIES OF PESTICICDES AND THEIR EFFECTS ON MALE RATS


Last updated: 04 Jan 2025






الملخص : في هذه الدراسة تم الکشف عن متبقيات المبيدات الموجودة في هواء أحد المصانع المصنعة للمبيدات، بالإضافة إلى مخزن وزارة الزراعة للمبيدات، وتم وضع جرذان التجارب في مصنع المبيدات ليتعرضوا إلى نفس الملوثات التي يتعرض لها العمال، وقد تم استخلاص عينات الهواء المجمعة على أنبوبة XAD-2، بمحلول التلوين: أسيتون بنسبة 1:9 (حجم:حجم)، واستخلصت عينات دم بمذيب الهکسان، أما عينات کبد وکُلى جرذان التجارب فتم استخلاصها بمذيب الاثير البترولي، ومن ثم حقنت المستخلصات في جهاز کروماتوجرافي الغازي ذي کاشف النيتروجين الفوسفوري، وکاشف القابض للإلکترونات (GC/NPD-ECD)، أوضحت نتائج التحليل الکيميائي أن عمال مصنع المبيدات يتعرضون إلى نسب أعلى من الحدود المسموح يومياً بها للتعرض لمتبقيات مبيد الديازينون Diazinon، الکلوروبيروفوس Chlorpyrifos، الکاربوسلفان Carbosulfan، آلفا-أندوسلفانEndosulfan -α، بيتا-أندوسلفان Endosulfan ، حيث أتضح أنهم يتعرضون إلى (25.05، 62.86، 8.31، 2.55، 1.1) ضعف الحد المسموح للتعرض له يومياً من کل مبيد على التوالي، کما دلت النتائج عن وجود متبقيات الديازينون والکلوربيروفوس والدايمثويت Dimethoate وأندوسلفان Endosulfan التابعة للمبيدات الحشرية، ومبيد البنديمثيالين Pendimethalin الحشائشي، والمبيد الفطري البروبيکونازول Propiconazole، ولوحظ أن عينات الهواء احتوت على متبقيات مبيد الأندوسلفان بنوعيه Endosulfan α-، Endosulfan -β، أما عينات دم وکبد وکُلى جرذان التجارب فقد احتوت فقط على مبيد الأندوسلفان. The present study is dealing with the detection of pesticide residues in the ambient air of the only one factory accepted to participate in our study, among three factories specialize in manufacturing pesticides, spotted earlier during preparation for this research. The factory is one of essential locations where workers are exposed to the residues of pesticides by different routes. Air samples were also collected, using universal sample pump of the American company SKC. Also, rats were placed in the mixing and packing area of the pesticide factory, for exposure to the same residues of pesticides to which the workers are exposed during their daily work in the factory. Extracts of air samples were collected in the XAD-2 tube. Then extracts of blood samples from livers and kidneys of rats were injected in a Gas Chromatograph of nitrogen phosphorus detector and electron capture detector (GC/NPD-ECD). The results of chemical analysis for 64 air sample extracts, showed presence of eleven kinds of pesticides belonged to three different groups: Insecticides, Herbicides, and Fungicides. The groups represented percentages of Insecticides, Herbicides, and Fungicides were 72.72%, 18.18% and 9.09% of the eleven detected pesticides respectively. The pesticide residues were also detected in the extracts of the blood, liver and kidney samples collected from the lab rats and the results showed the following percentages: Insecticides 66.66%, Herbicides 16.66% and Fungicides 16.66%. No parathyroid or Carbamate Insecticides were detected in the blood, liver and kidney samples. The results of the pesticide factory air samples indicated that, workers were exposed to concentrations of pesticides which are higher than the international permissible rates in air. They are exposed to 2.78 µg/ml of Diazinon, and this is 25.05 fold of internationally permissible limit which is 0.111 µg/ml per day. The workers are exposed also to 62.86 fold of internationally permissible limit of Chlorpyrifos, as they are exposed daily to 0.88 µg/ml, while the permissible rate of exposure is only 0.014 µg/ml per day.  Exposure to Carbosulfan is 0.049 µg/ml which represents 8.31 fold of the permissible daily exposure of 0.0059 µg/ml. The workers were exposed daily to 2.55 fold of the permissible limit daily rate of α-Endosulfan which is 0.014 µg/ml, whereas the workers are exposed to 0.0055 µg/ml. The results revealed also existence of pesticide residues in the livers, kidneys and blood samples of 48 rats
(4 rats/weak) exposed to the air of the pesticide factory. It was observed also that, the air sample contained the two types of Endosulfan α and β, but blood, liver and kidney samples of rats exposed to the pesticides factory air, showed existence of Endosulfan, and this might be due to assimilation of the pesticide when entered the rat's body. All pesticide residues in the extracted samples were identified by comparing compound retention time with the control compound appearance time, using the Gas Chromatography with nitrogen phosphorus detector (GC-NPD), which was used for detection of insecticides such as Diazinon, Chlorpyrifos, Dimethoate, Malathion and Carbosulfan and the herbicide Bromoxynil. The chromatography with electron capture detector (GC-ECD) was used for the detection of herbicide Pendimethalin, fungicide Propiconazole and insecticide Cypermethrin and α and β Endosulfan. The results were confirmed by injection of samples in a Gas Chromatography with mass spectrometer detection (GC/MS). The most important conclusion of this study is that, the workers are daily exposed to high concentrations of some pesticides residues exceeding the international   permissible limit. The detection of pesticide residues in the livers and kidneys of rats left in the ambient air of the mixing and packing area of the factory means that the residues are existing also in the bodies of workers exposed to such residues. Many of recent studies have indicated the presence of pesticide residues in the contents of human bodies. These residues are assimilated with food in the body leading to health problems or chronic diseases sooner or later. Therefore, workers must be educated to be aware of the risks under which they are working. They must be trained how to maintain their safety, by using all possible protective measures. However, workers in such fields must be subjected to periodical medical examination for detection of any potential harm occurring as a result of working for long periods in such environment, particularly the workers of pesticide producing factories.    





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Assiut University Bulletin for Environmental Researches

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تقدير متبقيات المبيدات في هواء مصانع المبيدات وتأثيرها على ذکور الجرذان DETERMINATION OF PESTICIDE RESIDUES IN FACTORIES OF PESTICICDES AND THEIR EFFECTS ON MALE RATS




Created At

23 Jan 2023